Singing Guide: Allen Case

Singing Guide: Allen Case

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Allen Case was an American actor and singer known for his work in Westerns and voice-overs. One of his most iconic roles was as the singing voice of the title character in the early 1960s TV series, "The Deputy." Allen Case's voice was deep, resonant, and very distinctive, making him a great model for aspiring Western singers.

To learn how to sing like Allen Case, it's important to understand his unique vocal style. Allen Case's voice was characterized by a deep, rich tone that emphasized his lower register. He had excellent breath control and support, which enabled him to sing long phrases with ease. Allen also had a great sense of phrasing and timing, which he used to great effect in his songs.

If you want to learn to sing like Allen Case, here are some practical tips:

  1. Work on your breathing. Breathing is the foundation of good singing, and practicing breathing exercises can help you develop better breath control and support. Singing Carrots' article on Breath support and Breathing basics can provide great insights.
  2. Practice good posture. Stand up straight with your shoulders relaxed and your chin level. Good posture can help you breathe more deeply and sing with better support. You can learn about how posture affects your singing from the Singing Carrots' article How posture affects your singing.
  3. Train your voice with exercises. Singing exercises can help you develop your vocal range, control, and flexibility. Singing Carrots has a great assortment of videos covering various vocal techniques i.e Chest Voice Explained, Good Singing Posture, and How to Twang Exercise.
  4. Listen to Allen Case's music and study his singing style. Allen Case sang many classic Western songs, such as "The Ballad of Paladin" and "Ringo". You can find many of these songs on Singing Carrots' song search feature. Pay attention to his use of dynamics, phrasing, and timing, and try to incorporate these elements into your own singing.

Overall, learning to sing like Allen Case requires plenty of practice, patience, and dedication. With the help of Singing Carrots' instructional resources, you can develop the skills and techniques that will enable you to sing like a true Western legend.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.